1. And as Monsieur Lefèvre worked, glancing to
and fro from his easel, barely speaking, it slowly dawned on me that I did not
feel admired and important, as I had secretly thought I might but as if he saw
straight through me. I had, it seemed, become a thing, an object, of no more significance than the green bottle or
the apples in the still-life canvas by the door (43) .
This is a huge moment for Sophie (WWII
girl). She has broken down a barrier by allowing a stranger to paint her, and
she feels so vulnerable. It may seem so breaching, but within the story, I found
this quote to hold so much power.
2. Instead I had held on to this ridiculous
notion that that by allowing myself to become a thing, a vessel, I was somehow
I was lessening my infidelity (115).
I am in the boat where I believe that a
cheater is always a cheater. It doesn’t matter what the situation is, or if
they truly will never do it again, I don’t think it can be justified in any
sense. So after this character (no naming names for this one), they feel the
pressure and they understand just how awful it. They pain that they have to
live with presses on their personal life.
3. Do
you know how I long to watch you laughing on the other side of the table and
know that I am the cause of your happiness (117)?
To me, this is love. This man is apart from
his wife in times of war, and writes to her of his pain of missing their life
together (hence the italics). I thought this was beautiful. It is so simple,
yet so powerful. I think it is wonderful to know that a laugh means that they are
happy with you. It doesn’t take huge romantic gestures to show intimacy or to
prove love.
4. “Lust for life, my darling!” he would
exclaim. “Passion! If you have none you’re a dead thing (135).”
In sociology (there’s my first year of
university sneaking out), there are theories that say if people aren’t
connected to their society, then they are more likely to become deviant members
of it. Now I believe that finding your passion in life is similar to finding
your purpose. I found my purpose through my passion. Passions help people find
a personal reason to live. Living for other people is wonderful, but if you
don’t find one thing that is only your own, then I don’t believe that you can
be 100% happy.
5. “I’ll be back at three o’clock and I’ll
call in sick to the restaurant and we can swear a lot and think up medieval
punishments for fuckwit men who blow hot and cold. I’ve got some modeling clay
upstairs that I use for voodoo dolls. Can you get some cocktail sticks ready?
Or some skewers? I’m all out (195).”
Sometimes, you can find a friend in
unlikely spaces. Liv Halston finds herself with an acquaintance from the past
that ends up being the breath of fresh air, and the friend, she needs. I
laughed, and then smiled, at this quote. This could be the perfect way to get
back at nasty men with your best friend.
6. But it is also, he notices now,
expressionless, as if she has grown used to hiding her feelings. Or perhaps
it’s Botox (286).
Emotionless robot? Or Botox? One can never
be too sure these days. Isn’t that sad? I don’t know a lot about Botox, but
does enough really erase emotions from your face? I don’t know, but I laughed
at this.
7. “Nobody listens anymore. Everyone knows
what they want to hear, but nobody actually listens (347).”
It’s the classic wise quote from the random
old person. It’s true though. When is the last time you sat down with a good
friend, or you significant other, or your mom and just had a real conversation?
Not just about your day, but about everything. Including them. When is the last
time you learned something new about the most important person in your life?
This book was actually great. Historical fiction, mystery, a
little bit of romance, easy to read, and easy to follow. I give this book 4/5
stars (1 being boring and not understandable, and 5 being life changing and jaw
dropping-ly brilliant). It has many heartwarming sections, and I think this
book goes really well with a winter setting and getting all cozy by the fire.
As usual, let me know if you have any book suggestions!
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