Fill in the blank. I have come to terms with __________. I
think people underestimate how powerful it is to come to terms with things in
your life. In terms of how powerful it can be for yourself, I align it with letting
people go. This can apply to any situation. In my case, I have recently
come to terms with a couple things, and I feel so free. It has made me happier,
and things that I used to worry about are no longer on the forefront of my
mind. I recently explained this idea to a friend, and he agreed with me.
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The first situation of mine is the fact that I’m single. I
always say that I don’t have a problem with it. And I don’t. That being said,
it’s hard to be single when all my closest friends are in relationships, and
the university culture means that I see and hear about people hooking up more
than I care to know about. It’s tough to know that at this time, I’m not what
most guys want because I want a relationship and not a hookup. However, through
a conversation with some good
friends, I have come to terms with this. I know that I have a lot to give
in a relationship. I know that I am different than a lot of girls around me. I
know which qualities that I possess that make me desirable. I am in a constant
battle with my inner demons over the insecurities that come with knowing those
things, but being in a world that contrasts those thoughts. My friends made me
realize that yes, at the time, it is tough to believe in myself, but my amazing
qualities are ones that will be valuable in the future. I may not be first in
line for guys right now, but in the future, when they want to settle down in a relationship,
than I will come into consideration. I’m making this sound like a business
arrangement, but it is a thought that has comforted me many times. Do I still
have lonely times? Yes. But they come around less since I have come to terms
with the idea of being single. I do admit that I would have feelings of
jealousy towards my friends in relationships, but that is a feeling that has
disappeared. I have plenty of time to be single and have fun and do my own
thing before starting a relationship, and I am now thankful for this!
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My second situation I will address in a general way because
it was something that happened recently, and I’d rather not share details. I
pride myself on living without regret. I choose to learn and grow from every
situation, whether it is positive or negative. However, I recently found myself
in a situation where, in the moment, I could see more negative than positive. In
the moments following, I considered it a mistake. For two days, I wrestled with
what seemed like a moral dilemma in my mind. I talked it out to many friends,
and I did some soul-searching and found my peace through these outlets. After
the smoke cleared, I saw that there were more positive aspects to the situation
than I originally thought, and once I came to terms with it, the negative didn’t
matter as much. I am now easily able to brush it off. I am finding myself
excited, and thankful for the situation. Regret is no longer a part of the
situation. It was not a mistake, but a beginning to a new part of life.
In both of these situations, I happened to have friends that
help me come to a conclusion. It may take more soul searching for you to find
your inner peace. Whether you are dealing with insecurities, or bad decisions, then
coming to terms with the issue will relieve the anxiety and doubts associated
with dwelling on it. Ask yourself some questions. Will this matter in 1 year? Does
this make me any less of a wonderful person (NOT does it make you FEEL less
wonderful)? What can I learn from this? Am I okay with my decision?
If have a specific issues to address, feel free to contact
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