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December Goals

Did I skip my outfit post on Saturday? Yes, yes I did. I had some personal things going on last week, and I wasn’t quite in the right state of mind to take the time to do a blog post. My apologies! I have since decided that I’m just going to do last week’s outfit post this week. And since I’ll be out of outfits starting next week since classes are finishing, that means you have one extra week of posts! So no complaints right? I also got a nasty sounding cough out of nowhere, so I’m hoping it doesn’t result in a full blown sickness. That is not what I need when it is coming down to finals. I mean, I have three papers due next week. We’ll see how things go.

I made a plan for today’s post, but I want to share something different. December is coming up. It’s in less than a week. Seeing as I have only one exam, I want to focus my time on me. I can feel myself losing focus and motivation and myself in general. I haven’t been taking the time I need to recharge. I’m behind on work, and I’m not enjoying school as much as I used to. This is real talk time. No one is perfect, but that doesn’t mean we can’t strive to be the best versions of ourselves. So I have a plan. I’m giving myself five simple steps for success in December. I say simple because I have a bigger goal in my mind, but if I try to accomplish the bigger goal first, then I will become overwhelmed. So I am keeping it simple. Here we go:

1.       Workout

My dad and my sister have been on my back about getting my legs ready for an upcoming ski trip. And they have a point. I should be working out my legs this month. And I should be working out in general. So my goal here is to work out my legs as well as my arms because I feel like that’s important too.  The thing is, I hate working out. I refuse to be around people because I am uncomfortable and sometimes, I cry. I’ll be taking small steps and figure out how to do it.

2.       Paint my Nails

This is part of the “take care of myself” thing. I have so much nail polish, and I find it so calming to paint my nails, but I have not done it at all. My nails look awful, and I miss the polish! So I intend to bring it back to a weekly schedule and have some me time.

3.       Catch Up on Notes

I am so behind on my notes. I planned to copy out my notes to make them legible, but I have been slacking on it. I know that once I clean up the notes that are littered around my room, my mind will be a little clearer as well. It will also put me in a good place once January rolls around.

4.       Go to Bed Early

I am awful at going to bed early. It is currently 11:46 pm, and I still need to shower and get ready for bed. Case in point. I want to actually put an effort forward to go to bed early so I can wake up early and get stuff done.

5.       Plan Ahead

It’s not just that I don’t do this. It’s that I don’t stick to it. Or I plan ahead unrealistically and I spend too much time on things that don’t matter as much. For example, I want to write out my blog posts ahead of time. I know what I’m writing about. Just not when I actually write them.

So there are my December goals. I have written them down and published them on the Internet, so I need to put forth a conscious effort to make it happen. Wish me luck!

What tips do you have for refocusing your life?



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