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Recently Read - March and April 2022

 Another couple months down, and I’ve read 22 books so far this year. Something I’ve realized is that when I’m not in a good place mentally, I cannot focus on reading. All of last year, I struggled to get stuck into reading. Even when I was recovering from surgery, I just couldn’t focus. Having that realization has made me understand just how far I’ve come and how much I feel like myself again. The number of books I’ve read may seem insignificant to someone else but to me, it means a lot.

Shades of Grey – Jasper Fforde – 4 Stars

I cannot believe it took me so long to finish this book. I started and stopped reading it so many times, but I was utterly hooked this time around. One of my friends anxiously awaited my finishing it because she wanted to talk about it so badly.

This is such an interesting post-apocalyptic type novel. In this world, division of society is based on colour. The politics involved with this is astounding, and I found myself drawing parallels to society today. We follow a character who learns that the sheltered life he grew up in is not as perfect as everyone made it out to be.

One of the most interesting things about this book is the fact that you get to learn so many new names for colours. There are so many references to modern day plays and shows that are lovely surprises, and Fforde does a fantastic job at keeping this book satirically dry as well as amusing at the same time. The single most frustrating thing is that this is the first of a series and the second book has been dangling over readers for over ten years. Good news is, I think this is the year it’s supposed to come out.

A Revolution of the Mind – MV Perry – 3 Stars

I received this book through Reedsy in exchange for a review. See the review here:

Do Not Say We Have Nothing – Madeliene Thien – 4 Stars

My mom handed me this book saying she didn’t like it. I, however, was hooked by the first few pages. I will admit that I know nothing about the major historical political events in China mentioned in the novel, but I don’t think you need a full understanding of history to appreciate Thein’s story.

Many stories about Mao’s Cultural Revolution, protests in Tiananmen Square, musicians, mathematicians, storytellers, and families are woven together to remind us that through the past can we find meaning. Everyone in this story has a magnetic magic about them that comes out in different ways. Each story is told in its own way and crafted perfectly. It is a powerful story about strength, meaning, and family.

Thien’s writing is poetic, poignant, and powerful. I found myself re-reading several lines over and over again just because they were crafted so beautifully. As someone who was involved in music growing up, I was drawn to the way music was outlined as a force. Equally, the power of words is another driving symbol in the novel. I truly loved this book.

The Narrow Road to the Deep North – Richard Flanagan – 2 Stars

                I don’t think I was in the right mindset for this book. I wasn’t engaged with it at all, but the writing itself was great. That’s all I can really say because I don’t even remember what it was about.

The Nightingale – Kristin Hannah – 4 Stars

                I was so surprised at how much I liked this book. I do like historical fiction but when it comes to women’s historical fiction, I find a lot of the books to be quite same-y. This book absolutely blew me away. I know there are huge Kristin Hannah fans out there, so I’m looking forward to reading more of her books.

The Nightingale is a WWII book that is very much centered around the part that women played in the war. We see two sisters who are polar opposites in both personality and the way they initially approach war time. One is a feisty woman who will do anything to be involved with what she knows is right. The other ends up with a German solider living in her home and is desperate to keep her head down and keep her family alive. Although they are two very different people, their willingness to do what is right bonds them in powerful ways.

This book is quite long, but I was so excited to keep picking it up. The two stories interlink and build on each other in such an interesting and intricate way. I loved the opposing personalities and the strength they both show. I highly suggest this book.

Hollywood Games – Evie Alexander – 4 Stars

 I was so pleased to get involved with another ARC copy from Evie Alexander. This is the second in the Kinloch series, and I enjoyed this book even more than the last. I think the first book does a great job at setting up the sexual fire between the main characters so we can now get into real relationship issues.

In this book, we see jealousy, passion, and power struggles come to a head when Rory’s family home (uh, castle) is taken over by pretentious Hollywood folk. Zoe is butting heads with Rory’s mother, Hollywood Brad (of course his name is Brad) brings rumours and scandal, and Rory is stuck in the middle of it all. Alexander gives us the same spice between Zoe and Rory that I loved in Highland Games but also brings in more depth to the characters and their lives.

This is a light, funny, steamy adventure sure to make you laugh and swoon (quite possibly at the same time).

Girls Burn Brighter – Shobha Rao – 4 Stars

            I wish I remembered where I heard about this book because it was fantastic. I didn’t know what to expect because I’ve never heard of this author, but I absolutely loved the story that unfolded.

Set in India initially, we meet two girls from opposite backgrounds. Their opposing personalities mesh well and their bond is sealed quickly. They start to dream about a world outside their stuffy small town and imagine a life where they don’t have to live according to the expectations of other. When tragedy drives them apart, one is so desperate to find the other that she travels to America in search of her friend.

I was completely enraptured with the relationship between Poornima and Savitha. It is eye-opening, passionate, and, at times, dangerous. The subtle hints of a love deeper than friendship make for a story that I could barely put down. Seeing the strength of the relationship reflecting in the strength and the capability for survival in the darkest moments of their lives was incredibly powerful.

How to Become a Planet – Nicole Melleby – 4 Stars

Thanks to Algonquin Young Readers, I was able to get this book for free as a taster for Melleby’s upcoming novel. Please see the review below:

An Arrow to the Moon – Emily X.R. Pan – 4 Stars

I have been a huge fan of Pan’s since I read The Astonishing Colour of After. As soon as I heard she was coming out with a new book, I preordered it. The tagline is “Romeo and Juliet meets Chinese mythology,” so I was obviously intrigued right away. I will instantly read anything that has Shakespearean themes.

In this novel, two young people from families who hate each other get caught up in a whirlwind relationship full of unexplainable occurrences amidst the usual teenage drama of applying for college and trying to meet the expectations of their families. Magic bonds them at every turn, and the story of their families’ hatred for each other bring a dark uncurrent that changes the nature of their romance.

What I loved about this is that it wasn’t just from the perspective of the kids. We are also introduced to the perspective of their parents and shady characters who bring a new light to the story. This allows for a lot of dramatic irony which adds significant weight behind the decisions of all the characters. Pan is a fantastic writer that bring the magic to life.

Words on Bathroom Walls – Julia Walton – 4 Stars

This is one of those books I love where it’s from a completely different perspective. It has a lot of similar themes to the Nicole Melleby books I’ve read, so this is worth checking out as well.

In this novel, Adam is dealing with paranoid schizophrenia while also dealing with regular teen issues like relationships, family dynamics, and school. The novel is his diary entries to his therapist as he’s being monitored while in a clinical trial for a drug that is meant to be the be-all-end-all treatment. The small notes from the therapist are a subtle tool for tracking Adam’s progress and add to Adam’s own story-telling. Adam so desperately wants to hide his past and his “friends,” so we watch as he navigates a romantic relationship while questioning what is reality.

One of my biggest critiques in media in general is how much mental illness is weaponized. It creates so much stigma and demonization and that just doesn’t sit right with me. Walton creates so much empathy and realism through her writing, and she put a lot of effort into making sure that she created a story that serves an educational purpose. She also did a lot of research into how people around individuals with schizophrenia can best support them. The result is a book filled with caring people, supportive figures, and a true to life rendition of a condition that touches on universal themes.

The Science of Being Angry – Nicole Melleby – 4 Stars

I got this book from Algonquin Press through NetGalley. This book comes out May 10, 2022. See the review here:

Trailed: One Woman’s Quest to Solve the Shenandoah Murder – Kathryn Mills – 4 Stars

I got a physical copy of this book from Algonquin Books through NetGalley. It comes out May 3, 2022. See the review here:

That is all for the past two months! I’ve happy with how much I’ve read and how much I’ve enjoyed. Let me know what you’ve been reading lately!

-          Daniella


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