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Monthly Favourites - March 2019

This past month has been a very exciting one full of adventures and lots of good people. As enjoyable as my March in pictures post was to write, this one was equally as enjoyable. I truly love reviewing my month and picking out the best parts (see my first ever post here seeing as it has officially been five years since I started this post)). It adds a little positivity to the end of the month and allows me to look forward to what I have coming up in the next month. 

  1. Cardiff Visit

One of the things I miss the most about living where I do now is that I do not have close friends around. In Cardiff, I used to visit Ellie and Esme often with a bottle of wine and ready to complain about our PGCE. I miss that. I cannot begin to tell you how much it meant to me to be able to see them for a weekend. I also got to see Portia and go shopping at my favourite places. I came back to Leeds refreshed and feeling fulfilled. 
  1. Birthday

What would a March post be without mentioning my birthday? I normally shy away from celebrating, or telling people, but I managed to sort out a lovely evening. It came with a lot of anxiety dreams, but it was wonderful. It was the first year in a while I felt like people actually wanted to do something with me, and I felt so special the entire day. If only my pupils weren’t such brats that day...

  1. Jumpsuit

I have been looking for a comfy jumpsuit for a long time, and I am thrilled to say I found a winner! This is definitely not sponsored (although, not opposed), but New Look is one of my favourite stores here. They make good quality clothes and have a good selection in their plus sized line. Anyway, this jumpsuit is wonderful (and also sold out so I can't give you a link for it). It’s flowy, comfortable, and is actually flattering. I’ll be wearing this often!

  1. Ozeri Milk Frother

Ozeri got in contact with me a while ago about receiving some of their products in exchange for a review. The real post is coming later, but I could not resist doing a mini review here. I love, love, love this milk frother. It was an item I did not need whatsoever but has easily become one of my favourite and most used kitchen tools. On weekends and evenings when a decaf coffee is necessary, this little tool has brought me so much joy. 

  1. Massage

Let’s talk about self-care for a second. Now, I know that the whole face mask and bath talk is definitely a consumerist ruse to make people buy more products “for themselves,” but I also think there is an importance in taking a bit of time out to be with yourself and reconnect. Everyone knows about the challenges I’ve had with work/life balance. In the past couple weeks, I’ve felt it. I get what I call an “anxiety knot” in my chest in times of high stress. It makes me feel like I can’t relax and can’t take that one deep breathe that I know will help me release that tension. Last week, I listened to my body and booked myself in for a deep tissue massage. Oh. My. Goodness. I feel so much better. That knot was released (along with every other knot in my back) and it led me to feel so much better, mentally and physically. This was a bit of self-care that was desperately needed. I intend to do this once a month to sustain my own mental health. 

Out of the first few months of 2019, I think March has been my best. I’m starting to get the hang of my job, starting to keep a cleaner flat, and I’m building some strong relationships. Right now, I am happy. 

Comment below and let me know what the highlights of your month have been. 



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