Happy end of April! The temperature is getting warmer and the days are getting brighter. Despite the whole world being told to stay inside, I hope you’re enjoying that a little bit. Open the windows! Read in a patch of sun! This monthly post is . . . unprecedented (does anyone else hate that word though?). This isn’t about what I’ve done to make this month exciting because what I’ve done that is pretty much the same thing every day. Two years ago, I was talking about my last placement and the fact that I was almost done PGCE. Three years ago, I was celebrating all kinds of wonderful because it was the end of university. Four years ago, I had taken so many trips that I was excited to share. I won’t go back further because the formatting of my blog posts was different (and embarrassing, quite frankly), but that was a nice little trip back in time from my sofa. Anyway, these are the things in my life right now that are favourites because they’re helping me do something or be s...
Welcome to my little corner of the Internet. This is what I consider to be my online, analytical journal where I share goals, book reviews, and regular favourites. Life may not be ideal, but I promise it will always be real.